Monday, August 25, 2008

Joe Biden is Really Cool.

He's the man - and I mean that in the "he's awesome and would make a great VP" way, not the "he's part of the establishment and hates love and happiness" way.

Here are some other people/animals/etc that are also the man:

This is Winston Churchill's parrot, Charlie. This parrot, allegedly, continues to spew out obscene anti-nazi slander in a perfect Churchill imitation, even though his late caretaker has been dead for over 40 years. Bravo, Charlie! I'm glad we have someone still keeping the nazis on their toes.

(image from:

This is architect/artist Frank Lloyd Wright dressed as a goat. The photo was taken in the late 40s at a costume party thrown by a friend of Mr. Wright's who was d
ressed, that night, as the entire cast of the movie "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers." It was due to drunkenly walking in circles in a goat costume at this party that Mr. Wright came up with his famous design for the Guggenheim Museum.


This is one of the coolest muthafuckas ever to have lived ever. Among many other things, he said:

"I make it a rule never to smoke while I'm sleeping."


"I make it a rule never to smoke more than one cigar at a time."

And now, a shout out to Calvin and his tiger buddy.

And finally, of course, a shout out to my tiger buddy.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Menace of the Seas

People often ask me "Matt - what's the coolest thing about being a pirate?"

Most people are under the impression that it's mainly about the the parrots, the hats, or the ability to say "Arrr" all the time without being socially outcast. This is all true. Upon reflection, however, it occurred to me that the absolute coolest thing about being a pirate is the lack of Anklyosaurus. There is not a single Anklyosaurus on my pirate vessel, and I, for one, intend on keeping it that way.

(image from

As long as we keep the seas free from this menace, we may still have hope, a chance for peace, and I've quite lost my mind.
